Define your own profile

Define your own profile

If you have a powerful computer, especially in terms of CPU, because the program can also take advantage of high systems, it is best to use compression doblesPass mode. This will increase the processing time of the video, but will help to achieve optimum image quality even when using lower bitreyt. However, if your computer is not as powerful as you might prefer one pass compression in combination with a slightly higher bitreyt ... To create a profile for optimum quality should open the menu Settings / Encoding and click on the button New Profile. For a profile you can set H.264 480 � 320 1280Kbps Stereo/128Kbps HQ, which aims to describe and enough basic parameters of the profile that will create. For this account you must select one pass compression (iPod 1-Pass - FFmpeg VINB) and bitreyt video of 1280 Kbps (kilobita) as output video resolution should be 480 � 320 (optimal screen for iPhone). Audio is enough to select with AAC-LC bitreyt Kb 128, same like MP3 compression with 160 Kb and is enough for this purpose.

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