How To Add Breadcrumbs in Blogger?

How To Add Breadcrumbs in Blogger?

Breadcrumb is the navigation trail which tells about visitors� location on our site or blog. It tells readers, where (on which page) they actually are on our blog.
Breadcrumb navigation is used to create a user friendly website. Using it, readers can easily navigate to your blog by just clicking a link or few. Like in the below image, if you are on Step 3(like: Social Media > Google Plus > Traffic) then you can easily come back to Social Media category by simply clicking on Step 1 shown on the breadcrumbs.
add breadcrumbs in blogger
It also helps to increase your site�s ranking in search engines by adding keywords into your blog posts. For example if you write a post on how to submit blogger sitemap to Google and add a label named SEO, then it will create a navigation trail at the top of your post title like this:
breadcrumb navigation in blogger
Now, as you have learnt what is breadcrumb navigation and what are its benefits in SEO, let see the steps of adding it into a blogger blog.